IT solutions for companies, that no longer want to have anything to do with it

What do you want?
Cleaning out
Nexpert provides you with the suitable IT infrastructure - cloud-based or hybrid (data and programs are stored both on your servers and in the cloud). We help you with the digitization of your data and processes and ensure that common standards regarding data storage and data security are observed.
The digitization of data opens up new horizons. At the same time, it requires companies to make decisions and introduce certain rules. The strategic planning and control of the use of information is called information governance.
Information governance is “the specification of decision-making rights and an accountability framework to ensure appropriate behavior in the evaluation, creation, storage, use, archiving and disposal of information. It encompasses the processes, roles and policies, standards and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of information to enable an organization to achieve its goals.” (Gartner, 2021)
"Now we offer our researchers, faculty and administrative staff a convenient way to share files with their colleagues while the university maintains full control over the data - a win-win situation."
Head of IT System Services Group, University of Berne
Finally have peace
As an option, you can outsource your IT to Nexpert and we will take care of maintenance, availability and security.
Have the cake and eat it too
With a cloud solution, you are always up to date and have even more space in the office.
Even smaller companies often have IT requirements that are comparable to large companies. A cloud solution allows specific solutions without own infrastructure and at reasonable costs.
"We have everything in the cloud. The Nexperts are the only ones who could answer my questions about worst-case scenarios and how to protect against them straight away, and substantiate these with their experience."
Customfuture SA
Go to the island
Today, digital workplaces are no longer magic. Nexpert offers device-independent access to data and software from anywhere, online collaboration, mobile intranet, Microsoft Teams, cybersecurity and more.
"With the new remote access, we were able to enable all of our employees to work from home in a very short time."
Stay flexible
Today I need this, tomorrow that.
With Software as a Service (SaaS) you can easily attach what you need at the moment: Business solutions and specialized applications, databases, apps, calendars, email, business analytics, etc. Here, the software is not purchased, but rented. SaaS makes introducing new software to your company a breeze.
Business analytics software uses company data, statistical analysis and data visualization to identify changes, trends or problems and make recommendations. Example: A problem in the customer experience is identified and information is given on how it can be improved.
"Nexpert has been a reliable partner of SH Power in all areas of IT for many years."
Head of IT department
Be able to sleep peacefully again
We analyze your IT risks and develop a security concept. We are happy to take care of backup, availability, monitoring and disaster recovery in case something should go wrong. Our support helps around the clock in case of breakdowns.
Monitoring or system monitoring is the automated, periodic testing of the functionality, performance and integrity of an IT solution. Anomalies, problems or security gaps are recognized and displayed.
"The implementation process was very smooth, and the support from Nexpert was excellent."
Head of IT System Services Group, University of Berne
Tell us what we can do for you!
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We're happy to help
We just can't go to the island.
This can also be done remotely - from our island.
+41 44 220 11 00
Useful information

Yes, we did it!
Nexpert ist dreifacher Microsoft Solution Partner Die Nexpert wurde als dreifacher Microsoft Solution Partner ausgezeichnet: – Microsoft Solutions Partner: Modernes Arbeiten– Microsoft Solutions Partner: Infrastruktur

Effizienz steigern und Kosten sparen mit Microsoft Power Automate – Fünf Anwendungsbeispiele
Durch die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen können Organisationen Zeit und Aufwand sparen, die Fehlerquote reduzieren und die Effizienz ihrer Arbeitsabläufe steigern. Mit Power Automate bietet Microsoft ein starkes Tool dafür an, das sich als Bestandteil der Microsoft 365-Suite besonders einfach in bestehende Prozesse einfügen lässt. So sparen Sie sich unnötigen Papierkram und stellen sicher, dass Ihre definierten Prozesse eingehalten werden.

IT infrastructure: Wipe out «Unknown Knowns» and «Unknown Unknowns»
IT has come a long way since “The Turing Machine” was invented in 1936 by Alan Turing. The increasing semiconductors performance as well as the sinking production costs (ruled by Moore’s Law and Rock’s Law) have made computing accessible to everyone and have contributed to unparalleled technological progress in science, business, and society.
Large companies as well as small and medium-sized businesses quickly seized the economic potential of these technological breakthroughs and equipped themselves with increasingly complex and interconnected IT infrastructures and cloud services such as Azure/Microsoft 365, AWS, or Google Cloud.

IT-Sicherheit 2021 – Ein Rückblick
Das Jahr 2021 wird sicher nicht als einfaches Jahr in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen. Neben alten und neuen Coronavarianten hielten in der IT viele neue Hacks und Schwachstellen die Administratoren und Sicherheitsexperten auf Trab. Der abschliessende Bericht des Schweizerischen Nationalen Zentrums für Cybersicherheit steht noch aus, aber es zeichnet sich bereits ab, dass noch nie so viele Betrugs- und Angriffsversuche gemeldet wurden wie 2021, und es lohnt sich, das Jahr aus Sicht der Cybersecurity nochmals Revue passieren zu lassen.

Informationssicherheit – ein zentraler Aspekt von (digitalisierten) Unternehmen
ISO/IEC27001 mit hohem Reifegrad für unsere Kunden Seit dem Sommer 2020 ist das ISMS (Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem) der Nexpert AG zertifiziert nach dem Standard ISO/IEC27001:2013. Ziel des